Summer is upon us! I just finished my last AP test of the year which means that my junior year is officially over. In this post I want to share my goals and plans for this summer.
I’m only going to take one class this summer, a prep class for Rhetoric 2. I didn’t take Rhetoric 1 this year, but I needed the prerequisite for Rhetoric 2. I’ll go through the self-paced course this summer so that I’m prepared for the class in the fall. It’s not for credit or a grade, so there won’t really be any assignments which will be nice, and I’ll have all the terms and basic understanding I need to get started on my Senior Thesis in this next school year.
I am starting to make a reading list for this summer, which I might share later. My goal is to read any of the books from Wilson Hill’s Great Conversation 5 class that interest me. I know I probably can’t make it through all of them in one summer, but I want to read as many as possible. I’m also going to start a few other novels that I’ve never read before but would like to start such as To Kill a Mockingbird and Sense and Sensibility.
I have recently started learning how to crochet, so this summer I want to expand this hobby a bit more and learn some new stitches and maybe work on some more complex items. I really enjoy the rhythmic nature of the stitches and it’s so much fun to see the finished products.
One of my finished crochet pieces (axolotl!)
These are great goals, Taylor–sounds like you have a fun, busy summer ahead! I love the idea on utilizing the WHA TGC booklists as summer reading!
Thank you! Yes, it’ll be a busy summer, but I’m excited!