• Taking Standardized Tests as a Homeschooler

    The last two posts, I have written about my experiences while taking the digital SAT. This week, I want to end this series with a few tips for homeschoolers who are taking the PSAT, SAT, ACT, or AP ...

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    Taking Standardized Tests as a Homeschooler
  • The Digital SAT Part 2

    Last week, I started a series of posts about my experiences with the Digital SAT. My first time taking the dSAT, I ended up getting sick right before the test date. This time around, I managed to stay ...

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    The Digital SAT Part 2
  • The Digital SAT Part 1

    This Saturday, I took the digital SAT for the second time. As a student in the class of 2025, I was in the test group for the switch from paper to digital. I took the PSAT last year as the first ...

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    The Digital SAT Part 1
  • College Applications

    With the start of August came the opening of just about every college application. In fact, some even opened earlier, on July 1. It feels strange to say that I am applying for colleges. For years, I ...

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    College Applications

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